Things to Consider When Building a New Home

Posted by Lauren Biddle on January 04, 2013


Building a new home is an exciting time and with so many options to consider, it's easy to become overwhelmed! Whether it's deciding upon the type of windows, how many doors, siding color, adding on a garage or carport design, it's understandable that what should be a happy decision can turn into a long and stressful process. However, this process can be broken down into several sections to help make your life easier and make the project seem more organized. By organizing your new home based on what comes first, you can reach decisions easily without much hassle.

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The Skeleton

First, you must decide what the basis of your home will look like. Whether you choose to have two bedrooms or five bedrooms, you will want to choose the style of your home. Consult with an architect and whoever is helping you with the building of your new home and discuss your options. Do you want a split-level home, a regular two-story home, or perhaps a rancher? Would you like to add a garage or a carport? Think about the number of windows and how many doors you'd like. Your mentor will make sure that your wants fit regulations. In order to make the building of your new home less overwhelming, you must answer these questions first before tackling anything else.

The Foundation

Once you have the layout of your new home and a basic blueprint, you can then decide what kind of windows and doors you'd like, if you'd like to add a swimming pool, a patio, etc. You may begin picking out appliances and kitchen cabinets, as well as flooring such as hard wood or carpeting to suit each room. Even finishing touches such as the type of molding are completely up to you and your taste which is why building a home from scratch can be so difficult!

The Finale

This is when things start to become fun! Now that you've gotten the ball rolling, you can begin to concentrate more on the details of the home, such as paint colors, furniture, and shelving to fit your carport design or garage. You may also hire a landscaper (or do it yourself if you have a green thumb) to decide on what to do with your front and backyard. You can start to figure out what furniture you need, what will go where, and you can really begin to enjoy the experience of preparing your new home to move in.

Lauren Biddle is a writer who has contributed to hundreds of blogs and news sites. You can also follow him on twitter  @Biddle23 to see what else he has to say!

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