5 Tips to Turning your Business into a Franchise

Posted by Lisa Coleman on December 09, 2013


If you have created a successful company that fills a unique need in the marketplace, it is a good idea to consider turning your business model into a franchise. After all, this will enable you to leverage your idea so that you can increase your profit margin without taking on the financial burden that will be associated with opening each new location.


4 Ways to Beat Auto Insurance Treachery

Posted by Lisa Coleman on November 24, 2013


Drivers in America are required to carry auto insurance if they're going to be driving on the nation's roads. Insurance laws will definitely vary between states, but these policies' underlying function is to take care of policyholders in the event of a car accident. Unfortunately, many insurance companies don't live up to this duty. In fact, there are insurers out there who will purposely try to delay or deny legitimate claims. Luckily, there are ways in which a policyholder can reduce the chance that they'll be affected by this treachery.


Boost Your Web Speed and Security Through Dedicated Web Hosting

Posted by Emily Miller on November 21, 2013


In a world that's always increasing its dependence on technology, having a reliable website is essential. If your site loads slowly, users will be less likely to return to it. Consumers are also less likely to frequent websites with a history of security breaches. This problem is especially serious if your website stores consumers' personal information, such as credit card numbers or medical data, which could become vulnerable to external threats. It's important to ensure your website is always secure and operating efficiently.
