A Career with Car Manufacturers

Posted by Rashmi Singh on March 16, 2013


Ranked as the sixth largest industry in the entire world, the automobile industry in India is an excellent employment sector. The following article takes a quick look at the same with an elusive reference to Renault India careers.

One of the larger markets in India, the automobile industry of the country is the sixth largest in the world and also the fastest growing. In 2009, India emerged as Asia's fourth largest exporter of passenger cars. The next year (2010) India beat Thailand and went on to become Asia's third largest exporter of passenger cars.


Making a WordPress Website Multilingual

Posted by Rehan Sajid on March 15, 2013


The need for a Website

Communication over the years has been evolving and at certain times in history it has evolved at even faster rates than others. Initially the fax machine was invented which helped people receive electronic messages in a fast, effective manner all in the click of a button. Then came the phone option but this was still very expensive. Business was carried out but not in the way it has now.


How to motivate your staff in 2013

Posted by Emily Franchino on March 14, 2013


The workplace is fast becoming a bit of a cut throat environment, with millions of people all grasping for the same jobs and wanting to get ahead, especially in today's economic times, and it can be difficult at times to see the way to motivating staff without showing apparent favouritism or unfair judgement to individuals. It is important to motivate your whole team; coining a popular phrase, "birds of a feather, flock together", and with this in mind, making all members of staff feel valued will result in increased productivity, well-being, and a happier workplace all round.
