Robbing a Business of Its Identity was Never This Easy

Posted by Natalia David on January 29, 2013


Industrial Revolution revamped the structure of business and brought a drastic change in their conduct. Along came the second wave of change, which introduced technology in every sphere of life, including industry and business - improving quality of work and life. Cell phone technology has brought innovation to the business world - where owners of small to large sized business are conducting work related activities over the phones - storing important information, which can prove devastating for the business if fallen in the hands of wrong people. Moreover, advancement in technology has raised severe issues of identity theft. It is becoming easier for the thieves to access, obtain and make fake copies of the identity - which a common person cannot fathom. This practice is gaining momentum in small neighborhood business. Sharing personal information with a small business may seem very harmless - but the reality can be different sometimes.


7 of the Best Free Resources for Web Designers

Posted by Sonia Jackson on January 29, 2013


Here are seven resources that any web designer can use free of charge. All of them offer some sort of shortcut that will allow a web designer to do his or her job with a little bit more ease. They all have a free service or use that a web designer can use, and some of them have a paid function if you decide that you like the tool and would access to all of its benefits. The list is in no particular order because all of the tools do very different things.


5 Reasons Your Blog Posts Never Get Comments

Posted by Eric Brantner on January 27, 2013


As a blogger, one of the ways you gauge the popularity of your blog is by the number of comments you get. Are comments the only metric that matters? Of course not. But when you aren't getting comments, it shows that you don't have an engaged audience and it just makes your blog look dead and unpopular.
