Gingivitis is a very common oral health complaint and there are plenty of ways to remedy the condition and reverse the symptoms that it causes. Unfortunately, many people who do develop the condition do not even realize that they have it, or they choose to overlook the warning signs that all is not right with their oral health. Unless you know how to spot the signs of gingivitis, you will not be able to treat it and this will cause the condition to worsen and lead to more serious oral health concerns.
This article will provide you with some of the early warning signs to look out for when you are in the process of developing gingivitis:
One of the very first signs of gingivitis is inflammation of the gum tissue. When you start developing gingivitis, you will feel that your gums have become swollen and they may be a little uncomfortable.
If you notice this sign, then you should take heed and visit your dentist to begin a treatment plan that will reverse the condition before you need to take serious measures like dental surgery.
Purple Or Bright Red Gums
When gingivitis is setting in on your gum tissue, you will be able to see that your gums appear darker red or even purplish. This is caused by the bacterial infection that is taking up residence in your mouth and a very clear indication that you need to be taking better care of your oral health.
Bleeding Gums
Often one of the clearest signs of all for people that they have developed gingivitis is bleeding gums. This often occurs if you eat something extra crunchy or when you brush your teeth. It happens because the gum tissue is weakened by bacterial infection and the gums are swollen and irritated.
Bad Breath
Often people with gingivitis will have bad breath, even after they have just brushed their teeth. Alternatively, you might notice a bad taste in your mouth that does not go away even after brushing. This is caused by the bacterial infection emitting foul odors.
Tender Or Painful Gums
Although gingivitis is not normally very painful, it can become quite uncomfortable and your gums are likely to be very tender. If you are experiencing real pain, then it is likely that your gum disease has become more advanced and may be entering the more serious phase of the condition known as periodontal disease.
About Author: This is a guest post written by Kevin ftom Trusted Health Products.