Most places in the world have in recent times been experiencing strange weather conditions, a lot of them being attributed to global warming. These have resulted in floods, excessive heat or cold and various other phenomena. But how unusual is this weather when compared to it snowing in Miami! Mention Miami to anyone and their first impression is of long stretches of golden beaches and a sea that looks as clear as glass. However, Miami has seen snow twice in recorded memory. The first time was on January 19, 1977 and on January 9, 2010 trained observers in Miami-Dade and Broward counties spotted light falls of snow. Because of the small falls, most citizens could be excused for not even knowing about them.
Image Src: Aubrey Sun @flickr
Various scientific reports show that there are changes in our weather and that we can expect these to be ongoing if we do not change our way of life. Taking that a step further, is there any reason why Miami should not start receiving heavy falls of snow and you being stuck in a snowdrift! Therefore, the question you should perhaps be asking is, what would you do if your car got stuck in a snowdrift in Miami?
Snow in Miami
The anniversary of that first recorded Miami snowfall is January 19th. On that day in 1977 the snow fell as far south as Homestead and was even experienced on the sands of Miami Beach. For many citizens of South Florida, when they gazed up into the skies and felt the snow and cold of 30° on their faces, they could have thought the Snow Martians were landing. It started in the early hours of the morning, but by 9.30 am, the big snow show provided by nature had finished.
Farmers were hit by this cold front with their crops being severely damaged by the cold temperatures. The citrus and vegetable industries suffered with about 15,000 migrant workers losing their jobs. This included 80,000 workers in Miami-Dade and Palm Beach with Governor Reubin Askew declaring a state of emergency. If that snow had continued to fall for days or weeks, how would the people of Miami have coped with driving their vehicles!
Miami Cold
Weather experts later concluded that this event on January 19, 1977 was because of a severe cold front moving down the state. Combined with powerful arctic high pressure over the Mississippi Valley, it transported extremely cold air that created the great Miami snow show. If you have decided to get ready for another, severe snow event then Florida is one of 10 states that prohibit metal studs on snow tires. Keep in mind that this type of law can change at any time, but at present you are only permitted to have tires with studs that do not damage the highway.
Basic actions you can take if you do get stuck in a Miami snowdrift are as follows:
- Determine which of your wheels have power and the tires that are maintaining a grip on the surface. The four-wheel drive vehicle will give you wider options, whereas other models will only have drive to the front wheels or the rear. Therefore, be aware whether you are driving a front-wheel or rear-wheel drive vehicle.
- Keep your focus on the wheels that power the vehicle, because these are the ones turned by the engine and that will grip a surface and provide motion. Weight should be placed on these drive wheels as this factor will give them a firm and more secure contact with the surface.
- To get out of a snowdrift you must create traction by the tires gripping the surface. If this is not done then the wheels will just spin and slide, causing the vehicle to dig deeper into the drift. Traction is helped by sprinkling a substance such as sand, ashes, popcorn or any other material particles under the tires supplying the grip.
- When attempting to move the vehicle, use the accelerator with care and as slowly as possible. You want the tires to not only grip the surface, but to maintain that grip for traction. Make sure the exhaust pipe is kept clear.
- To help gather momentum, rock the vehicle forward and backward. Each time this action is performed you will find it moving a little further in each direction. With persistence, you could eventually move the vehicle with sufficient momentum to ease it out of the snowdrift.
Stuck in a Miami Snowdrift
Another scenario is that you cannot move your vehicle out of a snowdrift and there is no immediate help available. This could be caused by trying to battle the elements and driving in severe weather conditions. It may end with poor visibility causing you to drive off the road and slide into a deep snowdrift. Here are some tips on what you could do:
- If the weather forecast is for bad conditions then either abandon your journey or take adequate precautions. Check your tire pressures and ensure you have some snacks, food and liquids in case you are delayed.
- Should the worst happen and you do end up in a snowdrift and you cannot dig-out, then do not panic. Contact emergency services and try to get help from any passing motorist, even sounding your horn if you hear a vehicle. Remember, because of poor visibility they may not be able to see you in the drift.
- If you have kids with you, turn it into an adventure, encourage them to play games and keep the heat factor in mind. If you have been prepared for a long journey and for the conditions, then you should have ample food and drink to maintain energy levels.
- Be re-assured, that the emergency services will be busy and if you contacted them they will be with you as soon as possible.
- Do not shut off all supplies of air, such as closing the windows completely. It is critical that sufficient air is allowed into the vehicle.
You are now well prepared to experience a snowdrift; but do not go looking for one, if it does not snow in Miami for the next few years!
Author bio: Korah Morrison, writer on that helps students to write essays of any complexity.