Principles That Make or Break a Web Design

Posted by Claire Watson on December 20, 2012


With a lot of websites created every day, every hour and even every minute, having your website stand out is becoming a difficult task. If you are planning to open a website on your own, here are some DIY tips on how you can design your webpage and make it look visually appealing.

  • Make It: Structured Page

Keeping the page structured with a balance of the grid layouts and designs make a web page visually appealing. You can follow the balance and the structure of good magazines and newspapers, the grid system they follow can help you make a layout that is easy yet structured.

  • Break It: Boxes Placed Everywhere

There is nothing more inconvenient than a site with lots of boxes lined up almost anywhere, all with different sizes and even colors. It would grab attention, but it is the type of attention we do not want. Placing the boxes or the items in a structured way is an effective way to prevent this, remember structure is a basic principle.

  • Make It: Focus on Important Things

If you intend to promote a specific product, then the website or the homepage should reflect this intention. Allot space on the inner pages so that calls would be placed for the specific item promoted. If you are to open or build blogs that gives out tutorials or freebies make sure they have the proper attention or focus. There are websites that can help you with this, one example is WOO Themes. This site does a great job on putting your main focus forward.

  • Break It: Irrelevant Ads

If you intend to open a website or a blog to earn money, it is understandable that ads must be there. However, if the ratio boils down to 70% ads and 30% the chances are people would never visit the site again. Make sure to control the ads on your website; don’t make ads your number one priority. Blend them in, content and ads should go well together.

  • Make It: Choosing the Right Color Scheme

Knowing who your customer base is very helpful in choosing a color scheme for your website; if your site is about medications, an overly colorful theme is not appropriate. If your niche is more on the serious side (medical related, business, marketing, etc) choose something lighter or the so called “open” color scheme. If the niche is fun and playful, you can have the CMYK color scheme which has pink, black, blue and yellow as its roster.

  • Break it: 20 Different Colors

Catching attention by having almost all colors found in a crayon set would only break your web page. It would annoy the readers and they might swear not to visit the page once more. Blending the colors well, picking good color combinations and choosing at most 5 colors for the site would make the site better looking.

  • Make It: Pages That Are Easier To Scan

Make the pages easy to scan, you can do this by using the proper hash tags to help focus on significant items; you can also pull block quotes, quotes and images as well.

  • Break It: Long Paragraphs

Paragraphs with almost more than 1000 words without paragraph breaks are just something no one would take interest with. Such presentations poorly indicate the important things inside the content. What you can do to make this better is to break the content up and write it in a way that is easy to read.

The author of this article is Claire Watson, a writer of articles on web pages, blogs, web design, graphic design and logo design. Claire also offers useful tips and advice to people who want to start off and design their own webpage.


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