Whether you're seated next to sick airline passengers or swimming in an indoor pool, bacteria and viruses are everywhere. In fact, they're even spread throughout your own home, but you have to know where to clean before you can be rid of these health hazards. Below are five unsanitary parts of the average home that you might want to focus on during your next cleaning session.
Damp, Disgusting Towels
Every time you bathe using a washcloth or dry off with a towel, you're rubbing dead skin cells into the cloth. This makes a damp, delicious feast for all the bacteria living there. If you use a towel again before washing it, many bacteria will depart the cloth for your skin, where they can create nasty staph infections and other problems. Be sure to scald towels at least once a week to destroy all the bacteria.
Kitchen Sink Scum
When you prepare dinner, you probably reach for the sink here and there to wash meat juices from your hands. Afterwards, it's easy to forget to wash the faucet, and huge bacterial colonies will run amok there until you sanitize it. To avoid getting food poisoning from this situation, clean and sanitize your faucets at least once each week.
Remote Control Crumbs
Eating while watching television will inevitably result in leaving crumbs on and in the remote control. Over time, bacteria will build up there in a feeding frenzy. Disassemble your remote control occasionally and clean all buttons and other parts to avoid getting food poisoning during your TV snacking escapades.
Tainted Toothbrush
You might think that if your mouth is clean, your toothbrush will be too. Unfortunately, toilet bacteria can actually float through the air and land on your toothbrush when you're not using it. Rinse your toothbrush with mouthwash, even soak it overnight occasionally. To clean the air itself, consider investing in quality air purifiers for your home.
Super-Nasty Sponges
Studies have shown that sponges contain more bacteria than the average toilet seat. It's no wonder considering the dampness of a kitchen sponge and the food particles hiding there. The easiest way to keep a sponge sanitary is to microwave it at least once a week.
Germs ride on dust throughout the air in a home, wafting from garbage cans and toilets to countertops and dinner plates. The only sure way to take care of this issue is to use a good air purifier, like those made by CurbSide Air. This way, you can concentrate on cleaning surfaces and rest easy knowing you're not working in vain due to dirty air.
About Author: This is a guest post written by Annabelle Smyth.