Step in to Google's mindset

Posted by Teresa Kent on January 05, 2013


Day by day Google have started to release all the animals in the zoo to hassle the SEO world. This has become one of the hot topic among all most all the people in the marketing process. Indeed this is a huge impact and a  challenge.

At the preliminary point Google released Panda, this was a major algorithm alteration which consequences in search engine rankings and punched down lots of webmasters. The main aim of this update was to lower the ranks of low quality sites and uphold the high quality sites in the search results. Rationally almost 12 percent of sites were affected due to this unexpected Google update. To assist affected webmasters google published a post on its blog using 23 bullet points explaining "what counts as a high quality site?". This proves that Google is not discourteous.  But yet Google did not pause from there, they released another animal from the zoo.

Google released Piranha, it is a new page layout update which focuses on the layout of a web page and the amount of content that appears on the page once a user click on a result.  The next was the Penguine, though penguin is known as an aquatic, flightless bird google update turned its entire meaning upside down. This focused on the websites that violate Googles webmaster guidelines by using black hat SEO techniques. This affected approximately 3.1 percent of English search queries. And recently Google released Piranha, it is a new page layout update which focuses on the layout of a web page and the amount of content that appears on the page once a user click on a result.  There are a number of updates which have taken place form the year 2000.

The bottom line of Google updates is to make their services  up to a high standard. The quality matters a lot that the quantity for Google, adopting according to the Google's mind set is a bit of a challenge. We have to look forward for more new updates by Google, but the naming of these updates seems to be quite impressive. With the rational of most of the updates starts from the letter "P" I would predict that the next update hopefully can be start off with the letter "P" and followed with a vowel letter ( it can be "O").

Be prepared to face the next battle of SEO.......

Author's Bio: Teresa Kent is a creative writer and a geologist. She loves to write articles in different genres. She has good experiences on blogs. Currently she is writing an article about Seo , Social Media and Google Panda.

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