Every trick you apply to search engine rankings apply to SEO for Facebook Business Page as well. The content, the look of your page and the information you provide there are important. The reach of Facebook is unquestionable. It is reported that 1 billion or more people are registered with Facebook and the figure keeps growing relentlessly every day. It is not just the registered users; more important is that at least half of them use it daily. That probably is enough to convince you about the reach that Facebook commands.
Facebook's user profile has also undergone some changes over the period it has been in existence. From the limited use to which it was put in the early stages of its inception, it has today grown into an enviable platform for businesses. The chief use to which businesses put Facebook is for marketing, and then comes creating brand images. The third use is keeping in touch with existing customers. That should be enough reason to stress the importance of maintaining your Facebook Business Page in immaculate condition.
To get the most out of your pages in Facebook you will have to follow some practices to get noticed by visitors. The more 'Likes' you get the better for your business. To get that, you will need to follow some tips, and here they are. They may not be great brainers, and in all probability you know it, but remind yourself about it as often as you can.
Tip # 1: Uniqueness and Quality Counts More than You May Have Imagined
Just any stuff on your page is not enough guarantee to get noticed in Facebook. Remember that there are millions of pages vying with each other to get to the top. So ensure that you have something different that not everyone can offer their readers. And more important, you should keep adding these types of stuff as often as you can. The rule of the more the merrier applies here in its totality, though you may have to keep it interesting enough.
Tip # 2: Let your URL speak for Your Business
A lifeless Facebook URL that is bland and has no relevance to business is a dead genie. You should create your URL to work for you relentlessly day in and day out. But how do you do that? You don't have to guess how it should be done. All that it takes is to add those little words that will give readers an instant feel of what they are about to see.
The little words that you add can be your brand or even a description said in a crisp manner. In short it's almost like the keywords that you use in write-ups optimized for SEO. Don't however forget to keep it as subtle as you can. Sample: http://www.facebook.com/tipsandtricks4u
Tip # 3: Give your Business Page the Makeover it richly deserves
Who do you think would like to give you 'Likes' if you don't have an attractive page. Making your Facebook Business Page doesn't mean garnishing it. It is about providing value for the time that readers spend on your page. Spending dollars on getting content developed by professionals can bring you hundreds of 'Likes'. The more the number of 'Likes' you score, more are the chances of getting links to your page. Better links mean better ranking on SEO and more hits. Aim to get links from pages that are themselves well ranked.
Tip # 4: Don't be too secretive - You could lose Credibility
Privacy is important, agreed, but it can be too restrictive. When you got yourselves a Facebook Business Page profile you wanted to be noticed, remember? And what purpose will it serve if you are secretive and want privacy? Your Business Page will pay better only if your readers can get in touch with you. So give any information you may want to be let known, and that includes your professional website, your mailing address and phone number where you can be reached.
About Author: Ryan Larkin writes for Broadbandproviders.com, the leading provider of the best value broadband internet - He writes about the latest in Technology and everything about the Internet.