Frequent SEO Exercises Can Diminish Ad Dollars Spent

Posted by About Freelance on February 18, 2013


Much like hitting the gym to shed Thanksgiving weight, webmasters need to exercise their keyboard prowess daily, conducting reports, running contingency exercises and assure clientele they're ranking high for keywords they chosen to appear on Page Uno for. Saving search engine optimization dollars is a good thing for more than self-efficacy; it assists your business in retaining and obtaining customer bases. Below we've constructed a drill you can implement once a day, anytime, to assure your efforts in optimization aren't for naught. These can be done in random order, provided they are done, period.

Analytically Speaking...

Since you were bright enough to track progress through Google Analytics, you should make your first pit stop your daily stats. Concentrate on observing page views, bounce rates and unique hits and especially where your traffic is coming from, especially if you're not running AdWords advertisements. Organic traffic can still be targeted through specific exclusions if you're programming skills are astute. Through careful viewing of analytics data, you can ascertain where your efforts in organic placement are leading you, potential quick entry-exit points for viewers and brighten the picture of where heavier concentration needs to be instilled. Also, having content which is translated into different languages from non-machine translated companies like Technovate Translations would prove analytically fruitful for your content marketing goals.

Feed Demon

Blog feeds should be immediately picked up through Google once the site has been discovered. Since we all know how much Google loves blogs, make sure you are blogging within your niche, using keywords found in meta data. Try to avoid over-pinging your blog because that practice tends to invite traffic from mass blog aggregators which, unfortunately, brings the infamous blog spam bots around to leave illegitimate commentary. Once the illicit spam attacks your blogs without deletion of said commentary, you'll drop rank faster than you got there, for sure.

Sitemap Checks

Your site, or blog, should have some form of XML sitemap, or the likes, to allow search engines to correctly find, catalog and place upon ranking sites your own website. If your blog doesn't automatically update sitemaps when alterations are made, you'll definitely need to make these changes through backend work, often times better for savvy scripters to adjust. Although outsourcing this portion of SEO could cost some money, it definitely beats your website being lost in translation in cyberspace.

Link Checking

To make sure compliance with current trends in search engine optimization are adhered to, it would behoove you to frequently check your links, and who is linking to you, through Google. By typing in "link: http://YOURSITE.COM" into Google, you'll see a current total of links inbound and outbound to perform relevance or outdate checks. If you find the links could potentially not exist, ping the site where you link has been placed to alert Google to errant data being reported. With numerous algorithmic changes being implemented, precautionary measures should be taken to avoid unneeded penalties.

Social Discussion

If you are currently on Facebook or Twitter, are you posting keenly crafted news 'shorts' which could corral traffic to your website? Make sure to keep current social media discussions fresh, especially if referring traffic is coming out of Facebook (which analytics would render this information). Keeping conversations fresh, wall posts accurate and links to news articles current will keep relevant traffic coming to your site from demographically concentrated areas. Tweets need to be concise, intriguing and open-ended to assure piqued interests are reached from your following. YouTube videos need to have accurate descriptions that link your site or at least embed suggestive phrases to invoke website visits from viewers.


Search engine optimization efforts, unlike days of old, don't have to wipe out your business accounts every month. Organic SEO has become precedence with many webmasters who've picked up on Panda and Penguin tricks; this means that accurate content creation, link checking, analytics snooping and keeping social media discussions current are necessary to feed your naturally ranked webpages. Instead of feeding AdWords thousands of dollars every month to try and increase popularity, stuff your hard-earned dollars and perform routine SEO exercises every day, taking less than a half-hour of your time.

About Author: This is a SEO guest post written by aboutfreelance.

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