If you are into internet marketing, you are probably already aware of the importance of smart and effective social media optimization (SMO). Active presence on the social media channels can be instrumental in ensuring greater exposure of your business among targeted buyers - and your operations can also become all the more interactive. However, do you know the ways in which having a profile on the social media websites can boost up your online visibility, as 2013 dawns upon us? If not, read on and be informed:
Have an account on Google Plus
Oh yes, being present on Facebook and Twitter is still equally important, but Google Plus is likely to have a significant impact on your internet marketing endeavors in 2013. Once you create a business page on this social media channel, you will be able to segment and target your customers in a more effective manner. Adopting a more personalized approach for each of your business transactions will also become easier. Get in touch with any expert online marketing agency, to know about the factors you need to keep in mind while preparing the Google Plus page for your business.
Share images and video files
Post informative, interesting pictures about your offerings, on the different social media websites. Posting important video content (for example, a user guide) can also bring greater recognition and appreciation to your business. The new-age online visitors in 2013 would love it, if you actively solicit their opinions, through pictures and videos.
Take advantage of Pinterest
The utility of using proper infographics can hardly be overemphasized, in the context of social media marketing. You might have got away with not really being into infographic-sharing till now, but if you plan to continue this strategy in 2013 too - you will probably lose out on reaching many potential buyers. Present your business in an engaging manner on Pinterest, and link the profile to your website.
Promote your Facebook posts
Any updated online marketing agency would advise you to promote the posts that you publish on your business profile page on Facebook. As per its latest regulations, only a small fraction of the fans/followers/subscribers of your Facebook page will be able to view your posts - unless you separately promote the latter. In 2013, the role of promoted posts is expected to increase even further, especially for small and medium-scale businesses.
Be present in MySpace
Revamped and more effective - that's how MySpace is being looked upon by the experts of any online marketing agency. You can login to your MySpace account with your Facebook details, before starting to share details about your business through this channel. Get an invite to MySpace, and reach out to its zillions of users!
Use Tumblr resources
If you are looking to make your online photo-sharing and micro-blogging tasks smarter in 2013, there is no way that you can ignore the importance of the Tumblr website. You can create and promote giveaways (comprising of text, photos and links) through this extremely easy-to-use social networking platform.
As a dedicated business owner, it might not always be possible for you to keep a tab on all the latest smart social media management strategies, which can have really favorable results for your business. Don't worry - for you can easily hire the services of an online marketing agency to address this issue. The role of social media in business is expanding at a rapid clip, and you need to be smart about promoting your products/services through them - to gain handsome returns in 2013.