5 Tips to Moving Forward After a Highway Collision

Posted by Lisa Coleman on November 11, 2013


No one plans on being involved in a car accident when they start out their day. Unfortunately, many people aren't lucky enough to be correct in this assumption. In fact, there are about six million vehicular accidents every single year in America, and the average driver will need to file an auto insurance claim once every 17.9 years. These accidents can cause difficulties in just about every area of a person's life, but luckily, there are a few ways in which an individual can recover and move forward after these incidents.


Why Should You Use a Loan Comparison Table?

Posted by Matthew Rogers on November 10, 2013


There are many types of loan available on the UK credit market; such as secured loans, unsecured loans, guarantor loans and instalment loans. Many people will refer to these types of loan as being 'personal loans', because they are usually used to cover personal costs such as home improvements, the purchase of a car or perhaps even a holiday.


Overcoming a Probation Violation: What's Next?

Posted by Lisa Coleman on November 08, 2013


Anyone convicted of a misdemeanor or nonviolent felony offense is likely to be sentenced to probation. When a defendant is sentenced to probation, he or she is released into the community in lieu of incarceration for all or most of their sentence. Sentencing defendants to supervised community release eliminates the costs of incarceration, reduces prison overcrowding, and allows convicted persons to maintain their employment, thus remaining productive members of society.
