Traveling with an infant can give many a parent nightmares, especially if you're under close quarters for long periods of time. However, with careful planning and some helpful insight into what you may need to pack, you can be prepared to ensure your infant's comfort and happiness along your journey.
Driving a rental car can be a nerve-wracking experience. Not only do you have to figure out how to handle a car with which you are unfamiliar; you also have to worry about avoiding an accident and wrecking the car. If you do get into an accident while driving your rental, however, you should make sure that you protect yourself and avoid agreeing to pay for more damage than that for which you are liable. Taking these considerations into mind can help you when you wreck a rental car.
Millions of drivers violate traffic laws every day, but this issue is often exacerbated by people who are on vacation. In many cases, vacationing drivers are not even aware that they are breaking a local law, but this will not prevent them from getting a ticket. Sadly, making a mistake while you are on a road trip can lead to deathly consequences, so it is vital to ensure that you always pay close attention to the rules of the road.