Is Your Teen Down With Lean? Watch for These Signs

Posted by Teresa Stewart on June 26, 2013


Teenage slang is often ignored because parents find it annoying and confusing. Teens can come up with words or phrases that seem simple enough that parents do not pay attention, yet they may be referring to something dangerous. One of the most dangerous of these slang words at this time is "Lean".


Regrow and Rejoice: Top Tips For Hair Loss

Posted by Nadine Swayne on June 06, 2013


Few things in life can have a bigger effect on your self esteem than going bald. Thinning hair can be attributed to stress, heredity, chemicals and medications. There are many reasons for hair loss, but whatever the cause, you probably want to know how you can fix it.


Extreme Diet Reviews to Keep Yourself Fit & Healthy

Posted by Julian Hooks on May 24, 2013


Most people want immediate and fast results when it comes to following a diet regimen. If this is your goal, then you should look into extreme diets. There are many extreme diets out there, but if you want to ensure your safety, you will need to read extreme diet reviews to keep yourself fit and healthy.
