iPhone App Review: Tennis In the Face

Posted by Michael Clark on February 24, 2013


Tennis in the Face is a newly released game for the iPhone. This game is not your ordinary game of tennis. In fact, this is not the game of tennis that your mother plays at all. Wimbledon and Australian Open has nothing on this action packed hilarious new take on a classic sports game. This fun app has been designed for both the iPhone and the iPad. This fantastic game is extremely affordable as well. Gamers can purchase this highly addictive app for less than two dollars. Tennis in the Face has the potential to provide hours' worth of entertainment at a small cost. This one of a kind game is brought to players by 10 Tons, which also developed games like Azkend and Boom Brigade.


The Disadvantages of Learning a New Language Through An App

Posted by Sam Briones on February 13, 2013


iphone app for language
image src: milocreative @flickr

One of the most common forms of technology that a lot of people have today are their smart phones, such as the iPhone, as well as their tablets, such as the Ipad or the Google Nexus. So it only makes sense for those who want to learn a new language to utilize these gadgets to their advantage right? Well, not quite. While it is true that there are plenty of advantages to learning a new language using IOS or Android apps, opting to do so with these gadgets may also have their hair share of disadvantages. Here are some very common ones.


10 Amazing Chrome Apps

Posted by Rita Rova on February 01, 2013


Just a few short years ago we had no idea what an app was or why we would need such a thing... Once Apple and Google launched their respective app stores, they unleashed a wave of crazy downloading because people realised that their smartphones and tablets could be so much more with just a few taps on the screen.
