Retain More Customers with a Business Phone Answering Service

Posted by Steve Steve on January 17, 2013


It is easier to keep existing customers than find new ones. Any business should focus on quality customer service and selling more to people who have already purchased products or used services offered by them. A phone answering service can help companies connect with customers in profitable ways and retain the business relationship through future sales.

A common reason to use phone answering contractors is to increase the range of customer service. Live or automated systems extend the hours customers and clients can call the company to find answers too many questions. They can save customers time as they easily navigate through common options by simply pressing buttons on their phone. But it's not only longer hours and more available answers that helps retain existing customers by offering quality customer service.

People like to know they are being heard. If a customer has a problem with an order, or a question about a new product line, they want to be able to get an answer or record a message about it right away with the assurance they will be answered quickly. After a customer files through the automated options on a phone service, or speaks with the scripted operator, the ability to get direct contact is vital to retain them in the future.

Upselling is the act of offering more expensive options to customers who purchase something from a company or shop. When existing customers call a company to ask a question or check the status of an order, a business phone answering service cans automatically upsell a new product to them.

This initial introduction of the product or service serves as a jumping off point for retaining that customer. They will never buy something from a company if they do not know it is offered. An automated recording outlining other products can increase sales. Include automatic or live order taking, or the technology to transfer the call to an actual employee, and the customer can make a fresh order immediately. The answering service acts as a first salesperson in an unobtrusive and non-pushy manner.

Retaining existing customers offers companies a ready-made audience for new products and services. A business phone answering service capabilities compliment a positive customer service relationship while upselling new offers. Whether a company chooses an automated line or a live answering service, it will cost less than hiring more employees. Combine lower costs with increased sales and contracts to get what every business wants, profit.

About Author: This article was written by Steve from that provides Flat Rate Business Phone Answering Service.

Mel posted on - Friday 25th of January 2013 07:44:30 PM

If only more businesses shared this view, it certainly is easier to retain current customers by keeping them happy and encouraging repeat business! Well written article.

not published on website

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