Here are 10 quick tips on how to write a more professional email that will help you to gain more business and earn a professional reputation.
1. Always fill in the subject line with a topic that means something to your reader. Not irrelevant information that isn't going to help either way.
2. You should put your main point that you are trying to get across to the reader in the opening sentence. Most readers won't stick around for a surprise ending.
3. Never begin a message with a vague "this." (This needs to be done) always specify what you are writing about so your client has a good understanding and finds you helpful not arrogant all of the time.
4. Don't use CAPITALS this implies that you are angry and shouting which is the last impression that you want to give off to your colleges or your clients.
5. As a general rule, type how you talk and certainly not in text speak and try to avoid abbreviations if you can because your reader might be left wondering what on earth it is you are talking about.
6. You should also be brief and polite. If your message runs longer than two or three short paragraphs, consider (a) reducing the message or (b) providing an attachment. But whatever the case, don't snap or have a go at people.
7. Remember to still keep your manners like please and thank you and mean it don't be sarcastic about it because this will get you nowhere, here is an example "Thank you for understanding why afternoon breaks have been eliminated" it is smart and informative it is not polite but isn't harsh.
8. Add a signature block with appropriate information like contact details and your name in a fancy font or scan your signature in. However you don't need to go wild with this you can just have something simple and smart.
9. Edit and proofread before hitting send, do a spell check to make sure you maintain a professional image rather than a sloppy one.
10. Finally, reply promptly to serious messages. If you need more time to collect information send them a brief email explaining the delay.
Author Bio: Katy works closely on the subject of emailing. She is particularly interested in how to write and test quality subject lines and the impact email marketing has on businesses.