A To Z of Energy Saving Tips

Posted by Brian Madden on January 31, 2013


Alternative Fuels

There are several alternative fuels to using petrol and diesel. Cars can be adapted to run on diverse fuels for example hydrogen. Discover the choices if you are considering purchasing a new car.


If your boiler is above 15 years old, it must be switched. An old boiler causes additional problems and is inefficient to run. The price of a new boiler might be very costly. But you will make the cash back through savings on your bill.


Save on Energy with Properly Maintained Heating System

Posted by Steve Steve on January 08, 2013


Save on Energy with Properly Maintained Heating System
Image Licence: flickr theyoungthousands

With the economy in shambles, a lot of people are trying to save money. One way people are able to save money is by cutting their electric bills. Most people try to take basic steps to save money on electricity, for example, turning down the heat during the winter, and learning to dress warmly in the house. A lot of people desire more; they want to lower their electricity costs as much as possible. One way people lower their costs is to ensure their heating and cooling systems are running efficiently.
