Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important principals in internet marketing. Setting your website up to be the most attractive site in your industry can help your website garner positive attention from search engines like Google, which in turn can increase your page rank. Since sites at the top of search returns get the most traffic, it is integral to businesses that they rank highly on searches. This is where SEO articles can help.
How to Get Free SEO Articles
The only way to get anything for free is to do it yourself, so be prepared to write. And be prepared to write well. Recently, search engines have developed ways to discover if articles on a website are bogus. Because many businesses hire non-native writers to provide (poorly written) articles containing a certain number of keywords -- only to boost the number of times keywords appear on the websites -- Google and other search engines have caught on to the unfair practice and will not count the articles toward the page rank.